About The Arc

The Arc was established in 1950 by a grassroots movement of families working to create services in the community for their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) instead of them being shuttered away in institutions. The Arc is the oldest and largest organization providing advocacy and services to support people with IDD. The Arc’s mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with IDD and actively support their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. The Arc’s national chapter network serves more than one million people with IDD and their families each year.

A special Thank You to the Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies who contributed valuable feedback and resources to make this site available for people with disabilities!
The library is made possible with the generous support of the May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust for The Arc’s Center for Future Planning. To learn more about planning for the future of a person with IDD, please visit FuturePlanning.TheArc.org